Elizabeth Saydah

Blue Wave Voiceover elizabeth_saydah

Vocal Descriptors:

Warm, Textured, Confident, Authoritative, Trustworthy, Conversational

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Accents/Dialects: Standard/Neutral American, New York/New Jersey, Southern, Midwest, Standard British

Contact Elizabeth: liz@elizabethsaydah.com | 818-397-1266

A true voiceover professional with over a decade of experience under her belt, Elizabeth’s work has touched every genre of the industry. Her clients span continents and include Disney, Google, Aetna, Hyundai, and Netflix. As for her political prowess, she’s been proud to voice many spots for democratic candidates up and down the ballot, including Joe Biden, as well as numerous progressive coalitions. To lighten things up, she does improv comedy around Los Angeles.

Studio Details

Liz records out of her custom built booth in her home (or locally in Los Angeles upon request). Her personal studio includes a soundproof, acoustically treated vocal booth, Neumann TLM 103 and Sennheiser MK-416 microphones, Apollo Twin audio interface, and Adobe Audition DAW.

Turnaround Time

As a full-time VO talent, same-day turnarounds are the norm (usually within 1-3 hours depending on project length), and if super rush turnarounds (like RIGHT NOW) or afterhours deliveries are needed, Liz will always go out of her way to accommodate if needed.

Connection Details

Liz records out of her custom built booth in her home (or locally in Los Angeles upon request). She can flexibly connect via SourceConnect, ISDN, ipDTL, Phone Patch, Skype, Google Hangouts and Zoom.

>> Learn more about Elizabeth Saydah


Joe Biden - American Hero

"Get Real" Anti-Trump Political Ad

BlueGreen Alliance

Hyundai x Boston Dynamics

Summit for Democracy 2023 Intro

More About Elizabeth Saydah

Liz is part of the 100% of people from New Jersey proud to be from New Jersey, so please don’t hold that against her. From a young age, she’s been an avid athlete, excelling as a long-distance runner and tennis player, going on to play tennis in college. After graduating from the University of Chicago with an incredibly useful degree in Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities (still not entirely sure what that is), she began her artistic journey doing improv and storefront theater in Chicago.

In 2006, Liz moved to Los Angeles, fulfilling her lifelong dream of living in California (while NEVER forgetting those Jersey roots). Though “dream” was a loose term for the first few years while she supported her acting career as a professional balloon twister and lived with an ex-stripper, she managed to act in numerous theater productions, book some commercial work for brands like Virgin America, Hyundai, Purple Mattress, Uber and Northrop Grumman, and get some work in various features, shorts and web series. Oh – and she “won” the MTV hit dating show, “Next.” And by “won,” she made $276 dollars after driving around motion-sick in a blacked out bus all day, and pretended to enjoy a “date” on a pile of hotdogs in center field at Dodger Stadium. For the record, it didn’t work out.

In the midst of it all, Liz caught the voiceover bug around 2010 and – working out of her closet – steadily grew her client list and business until she could finally do it full-time. Over the last decade, she’s both graduated from the closet and built a tremendous portfolio of work for clients from local mom and pops to Fortune 100 companies. Bringing her personality and work ethic to every single project, she specializes in character and announcer work for commercials; inspiring and bold corporate anthems; Voice of God for conferences and awards shows; tech, healthcare and financial explainers and promos; radio imaging (alternative/grunge/mainstream hits); eLearning and training courses; videogames and animation.

With a lower register and textured sound, Liz’s versatile voice cuts through the noise and brings a unique tone to her projects. Whether she’s the apathetic Gen-Z’er, the authoritative boss, the millennial mom, or the mature voice of reason, Liz brings a truly authentic spirit to everything she takes on.

Some of her favorite and most popular celebrity “sounds-like” include: Natasha Lyonne, Sigourney Weaver, Allison Janney, Jean Smart, Cate Blanchett, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lawrence, Linda Hunt, Julianna Margulies, Emma Thompson, Scarlett Johansson, and Jane Lynch.

Political Issues & Causes:

Unfortunately, there are far too many blood-boiling issues to list, but plenty that remain top of mind for Liz.

Climate: What is it all for if we don’t have a healthy, thriving, *habitable* planet? Far too little is being done to expedite sustainable solutions, prioritize renewables, and protect what is sacred and fragile. A longtime supporter of Greenpeace, Liz is an avid proponent of climate legislation.

Healthcare: America’s healthcare system is broken. It is needlessly expensive, wasteful and ineffective for the vast majority of people. Private interests have turned our lives and well-being into a for-profit business. Healthcare is a basic human right, and the system is failing to guarantee that to every taxpaying American.

Gun laws: How. Hard. Are. Background. Checks. And that’s just the bare-bottom minimum of what needs change. The direct and painfully obvious correlation between our gun violence problem and the sheer number of guns per capita continues to be willfully ignored by our lawmakers.

Education: Yes, our children *are* our future. And just like our crumbling infrastructure, we need to invest in them – all of them, not just the wealthy kids. School should be a *safe* (see “gun laws”, above) haven of supportive learning. That requires upgraded facilities, resources and tools to give every kid the best opportunity possible. There should also be free four-year colleges available. Just like healthcare, equal access to education should be non-negotiable.

Women’s rights/Abortion: The fact that we’re still talking about equal pay is laughable. The fact that some lawmakers want to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies is criminal. The end.

The International Humanitarian Crisis: Natural disasters, authoritarian regimes and a warming planet continue to exacerbate the refugee crisis, climate migration, and food shortages worldwide. There is no “out of sight, out of mind” excuse. A supporter of organizations like the World Food Program and International Rescue Committee, Liz firmly believes we all have to chip in to support those trying to escape violence and feed their families.

Contact Elizabeth Saydah

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