Ian Fishman

Ian Fishman

Vocal Descriptors:

Youthful, Confident, Relatable, Direct, Warm, Positive

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Democratic Voiceover Talent
Political Voice Over Artist

Contact Ian: ianfish@fishsoundsvo.com | 651-347-4212

An award-winning, full-time political voice over talent, Ian Fishman is the quintessential guy-next-door with a Millennial spin. He’s been the voice for EGO Power+, Red Lobster, Red Robin, Canadian Tire, and a slew of non-profit organizations seeking a signal boost. A lifelong, trained actor & improv comic/satire writer, he specifically seeks projects that build on truth, education & empathy to connect with audiences worldwide.

Ian often plays the warm, reasonable neighbor and co-worker who leads with an authentic, approachable positivity. With a voice at the crossroads of Aaron Paul and Ira Glass, his improv comedy background lends a natural, off-the-cuff ease to his delivery, whether leading intensive corporate trainings and medical narrations, playing the young father or intelligent sidekick, or sharing empathetic yet non-negotiable facts. He voices for commercial [broadcast, automotive & political], character, eLearning, corporate and medical narration, and explainer clients worldwide.

Studio Details

Ian’s broadcast-quality home studio includes a StudioBricks OnePlus sound booth, the AKG C414XLII & Sennheiser 416 microphones, the Apollo Twin interface and a Great River ME-1NV Pre-Amp. You can record with him live via SourceConnect, ipDTL + ISDN bridge, any web conferencing solution, or a phone patch.

Turnaround Time

Central Standard Time (CST, GMT-6). Same day, on call [Minneapolis, MN]: As a full-time voice actor, Ian is available to record live at any time with immediate turnaround, including urgent/rush sessions and those after traditional business hours.

Connection Details

Ian's live, directed voiceover sessions can be conducted via SourceConnect, ISDN, ipDTL, Phone Patch, Skype, Zoom, or Google Hangout.

>> Learn more about Ian Fishman


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More About Ian Fishman

Freelance Political VO

Voice range: 25-40
Voice descriptor nutshell: Optimistic, confident, Millennial next-door-neighbor

Ian Fishman is a full-time, award-winning freelance voice over talent & comedy writer based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Originally from Worcester, Mass., Ian’s story is classic America: on one side, his Jewish great-grandmother emigrated to Brooklyn from Poland in the 20th century; on the other, he traces his lineage back to the Mayflower III. Mix ‘em with a strong dose of unabashedly punk rock drive & enthusiasm, and that’s how you get an “Ian Michael Fishman.”

Inspiring social change [and making people laugh] is what brought Ian on this path in the first place — naturally, his first three paid gigs were for being an extra on Law & Order, touring Appalachian elementary schools in a 2-person educational sketch comedy show about green energy with the National Theatre for Children, and a spoof PSA about Cooties that went viral and was shown on Comedy Central. He’s only looked back when he’s had to write his bio.

Since then, he’s made his name as the voice of your cheerful, confident, progressively happy-go-lucky Millennial next-door-neighbor [how’s that for an accurate run-on descriptor?].

Much like himself, Ian’s voice is classic-yet-current young, Millennial America: naturally mid-range, optimistic, confident and warm, but unafraid to stand up for what he believes in with an authentic, firm and direct sense of purpose. His “attack ad” style comes from a perspective of common sense over mudslinging; his natural empathy shines through when it’s time to “set the record straight” on a candidate or initiative. And thanks to his natural range, he can authentically connect just as easily with elderly voters worried about their grandchildren’s future as he can with first-time voters jumping off the fence.

As a result, Ian’s is the voice that can naturally connect with the widest range of voters.

You’ve heard Ian in one form or another around the world: his work spans the commercial world [TV/radio broadcast & promo, along with Internet pre-roll, streaming radio, and social media campaigns], narration [TV, documentary, medical and corporate], Explainer videos, eLearning, and IVR/On-Hold messaging. Corporate clients include Home Depot, IBM, Visa, 3M, and Medtronic [to name but a few], while non-profit and pet projects include the Boys & Girls Club, Forgotten Harvest, the Spay/Neuter Network, Efficiency Vermont, and the Minneapolis classic, the Heart of the Beast Theatre’s annual May Day Parade.

Outside of his work as one of the co-founders of Blue Wave, he’s also the voice & producer behind High End Voice Over, producing audio & Explainer videos for the legal cannabis industry throughout the U.S. and Canada — as well as one-half of Millennial Voiceover, a project he started alongside Blue Wave Voiceover with our own Maria Pendolino. He’s also the copy editor for the punk rock satire The Hard Times, a joke writer for the gag-gift company Prank-O, a guest director for the National Theatre for Children, and he directed the hit late-night show Late Nights Minneapolis.

He and his wife Abigail, who works in Youth Development Leadership with the national non-profit Playworks, live with their two cats, Gigglepuss and Sassmouth. If you’re ever in the Twin Cities, look them up and come share a homebrewed kölsch or a cup of tea in their lovely garden.

Political Issues & Causes:

In addition to providing voiceovers for Democrats and progressives and mission-driven organizations - frankly, there’s a lot Ian is passionate about using his talents to help. What started as a 4,000 word essay has been boiled down to these essential points, by no means exhaustive or in order.

  • Reproductive health
  • Civil & human rights [LGBTQ+ & immigrant protections]
  • Student loan alleviation
  • Green policies to fight climate change
  • Data & medical rights
  • Inclusive & fair voting [e.g., anti-gerrymandering, anti-voter purge]
  • Drug education, policies & addiction treatment

Contact Ian Fishman

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